
Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Lot officially opens

The Lot Beer Garden at the edge of Clarendon officially opened this Friday July 12 after years of teasing and will-they-or-won't-they-open speculation. The Lot is a large outdoor beer garden with beer, mixed drinks, food trucks and social games like cornhole and extra large ball toss. It's an amazing and fun venue that is making a perfect addition to Clarendon nightlife.

The owners of The Lot also manage nearby Clarendon hot spots of Pamplona and Bar Bao down the street. They did an excellent job with The Lot as it is a 22,000 square foot open air garden with huge potential. It also includes a sand lot for games which gives the venue a happy summer vibe. So far admission is free and there is no charge for playing the games which are first come, first serve.

A huge amount of people turned out on Friday night, which was no surprise given the perfect warm weather of that day. The Lot actually had a soft opening a week before on July 3rd, but had to close on July 4th due to the scattered showers on this Fourth of July holiday. Looking forward to spending many days and nights spent at The Lot from now on!