
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Apartments from Dr. Dremo's ashes... one day?

Plans for 2000 Wilson. Photo via
It's interesting that while most of the land in Arlington is bought up by developers and then designed so that every square foot of space is used, there are still strips of baren and undeveloped space stuck in real estate limbo.

The best example of this is the space where Dr. Dremo's used to reside in Courthouse. Torn down over four years ago, the large open area now serves as an eyesore as plans to builda mixed use building continually get delayed. Clarendon's own version of story happened with the same developer named Zom in the space next to O'Sullivan's that was supposed to be the 10 story Waverly building.

But now DCMetroCentric is reporting that their are rumors of some progress on the 2000 Wilson project. It will be nice to see the land used for something one day, but I don't think the area needs more high rise apartment buildings. Rather, I would perfer to see more afordable light commericial spaces to promote more restaurant diverstiy. Clarendon is lucky to have tons of great dining options now, but more and more of them are becoming higher end and more expensive restuarants.